Write a Whistlegraph: Code of Conduct

🔗 whistlegraph.com


👋 Week 1 · Introduction to Whistlegraphs

✒️ Week 2 · How to Compose; Theory of Whistlegraphs

❤️ Week 3 · Your Perfect Whistlegraph!



Bilateral Symmetry The same on both sides of an axis.
Choreography The composition of movement in space over time.
Countdowns 3, 2, 1...a cue to begin performing with others in time.
Direct Observation Using an outside reference to inform the look of a composition.
Drawing Leaving behind marks after making gestures.
Embedding Putting a complete pre-existing work inside of another.
Genre Smashing Mixing multiple styles in one piece.
Graphic Score A visual guide for performing every step of a piece.
Improvisation Making creative decisions in response to changing contexts.
Looping Repeating a behavior more than once in succession.
Metronome A device used to regulate time by making a sound at a specified rate.
Mickey Mousing Sound directly mapped to graphic gestures, like in cartoons.
Pen Whip Fountain pen + flick of the wrist = ink splat!
Round Overlapping performances of the same work in one go, by multiple players.
Scribbling Intentionally chaotic drawing.
Shadowing Performers echo a leader’s behavior without drawing.
Silence No vocalization while drawing (or not drawing).
Sound Your pen can produce this and so can you!
Stochastic Something left up to chance in a work of art.
Vertex A visual organizing point.
Z-Axis The space above the page, that doesn’t include the drawing itself.

Additional Media

🎥 Film

The Dot and the Line (1965)

Film Before Film (1986)

Style Wars (1983)

Pucker Up: The Fine Art of Whistling (2005)

Ways of Seeing (1974)

📹 Short Video

Alison Knowles discusses the Fluxkit (2011)

Doraemon Ekaki Uta (2018)

Draw a Snail Then Draw a Story (2017)

📖 Reading

Pedagogical Sketchbook, Paul Klee (1953).pdf

via Folklore Genres, Dan Ben-Amos (1969)

via Folklore Genres, Dan Ben-Amos (1969)

Line and Surface, Vilém Flusser (1973).pdf

These workshops are produced by Whistlegraph in collaboration with Rhizome. Rhizome is a non-profit arts-organization founded in 1996 that commissions, catalogs, and preserves net art. Whistlegraph is Jeffrey Alan Scudder, Alex Freundlich, and Camille Klein, a group of artists and performers who explore and present topics in art, technology, and education via an exciting new art form called whistlegraphing.